Xobal Lun 17 Fév 2014 - 14:15
Salut les p'tits gars,
Pour vous rappeler que la selection pour la Team Belgium Black n'est tjs pas finie et que les candidatures sont tjs ouvertes.
Pour le moment je dénombre 6 candidatures. Je suis le seul Francophone.
Driks, Nico, vous n'êtes pas/plus intéressés à tenter le coup?
Si cette equipe est - orientée sur la perf que la team 1, pas de raison que vous ne vous déclareriez pas ^^
Et puis il manque des joueurs cryx et everblight a mort dans les candidats actuels.
La procédure de sélection est encore un peu nébuleuse (cfr le topic que je quote)
"About the selection process, I think that will depend a bit on the number of people who want to join. There is a difference between choosing 5 out of 6 or choosing 5 out of 10, for example. My idea was to ask the guys who have applied what you think isimportant about the WTC and with what kind of expectations you’re going and take it from there. Do you want to go there just to have fun? Do you want to go to score as high as possible? Do you want to go to win the price for best painted team (a personal favorite of mine )? I think the people who want to ga should decide what it is they want and then we can find a way of picking the team based on that. For example: if everybody wants to rank as high as possible, we should not only consider players, but also factions (because some combinations of factions work better than others). On the other hand, if winning the trophy for most boozing team is more important, I think we should consider other skills in the selected players."
allez allez :)