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    [News]Codex Nécrons

    Membre Fondateur W.W.B.T.

    Nombre de messages : 3705
    Age : 45
    Localisation : Groot Bijgaarden
    Team : Team W.W.B.T.

    [News]Codex Nécrons Empty [News]Codex Nécrons

    Message  Toch Jeu 21 Aoû 2008 - 17:39

    Provient de Bell Of Lost Souls
    En gros on va peut-etre enfin voir des Qg Nécron différent.

    BOLS a écrit:Early word is that Necrons may be slated for the Q2-09 40k release slot. There is another codex scheduled ahead of them but there is conflicting data on what it is (currently bouncing around between IG, Space Wolves, Dark Eldar). The info reported so far is:

    -Removal of the C'tan from the Codex as fieldable units (they are still in the fluff).
    -The C'tan are to be moved over to Apocalypse where they will make an appearance as much more powerful single figures (possibly with attendant new oversized Forgeworld minis).
    -The big new HQ replacement for them will be entirely new tiered-level Necron Lords. Read the Apocalypse Necron background page for insight into what may be coming, but there is talk of Bronze, Silver, Gold, possibly even Platinum Lords.
    -Lords are said to have multiple special abilities and options, and certtain levels of Lords may re-arrange the Force Org chart for certain units, making different army builds possible. An example of an option was an advanced necrodermis, allowing the Lord to mimic his C,tan masters (and conveniently allow for the use of the existing C'Tan minis).
    -There will be Necron Lord named characters.
    -The rest of the army is described as getting a small number of new units, and having several existing units rearranged by Force Org category.
    In general, the Necron army is desribed as being somewhat "buffed".
    Membre Fondateur W.W.B.T.

    Nombre de messages : 3705
    Age : 45
    Localisation : Groot Bijgaarden
    Team : Team W.W.B.T.

    [News]Codex Nécrons Empty Re: [News]Codex Nécrons

    Message  Toch Lun 25 Aoû 2008 - 9:21

    Encore quelques news pour ce Codex Nécrons tirés de chez Warseer.

    Warseer a écrit:
    Necron Special rule will now be Feel no Pain and Fearless, Phase out removed.

    Gauss will be rending, all Necron toughness will go up by one point. WS will drop down from 4 to 3 (Unless the unit is Combat orientated, or a Necron Lord) Armour save will drop to 4+.

    Necrons are now no longer Marines... which is a good thing, 40K needs less MEQ.


    Necron Lords with have several levels and several body types, these will be as follows.
    -Level: Silver, Gold, Plantinum
    -Body Type: Normal, Flayer, Destroyer, Tomb Spyder,

    The Necron Lords Body type will change the FOC choices for the Necon army.

    Special Characters could be Necron Lords with a Necrodermis that is moulded and has the abilites of either of the two C'tan that have awoken. This means that the current models can still be used.


    Pariah: Improved stats, Necron special rules. Better Pariah special rule.

    Immortals: Improved stats, Necron Special Rule, Slow and Purposeful

    Chamber Guard: anyone's guess.


    Warriors: Improved stats, Necron Special Rule, Slow and Purposeful 1+

    Flayed Ones: Improved stats, Necron Special Rule, Claws have Rending rule. Infiltare, Move through Cover.

    Fast Attack

    Destroyers: Necron Special Rule. Any squad numbering 3 can upgrade to Heavy Destroyers for X amount of points.

    Wraiths: Increase maximum unit size allowance, Attacks are either Rending, or Power Weapons. Necron Special Rule.

    Scarab Swarms: Change Disruption fields to Rending. Option could be to have a smaller Tomb Spyder join the unit; again this makes none of the current models redundant

    Heavy Support

    Monolith: Leave as is, but remove re-roll on teleport.

    Tomb Spyder: bigger and a lot better, with a lot of options... after all these things guard the Tombs while the Necrons are in hibernation. Think something like T-1000000.

    Pylon: or some other named Vehicle."

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