Pour Driksounet : Sturgis Theme Lists dans un des derniers No Quarters
nq 55
Commander Dalin Sturgis
United We Stand
Warjacks: Cygnar non-character warjacks
Units: Rangers, Stormsmith units, Trencher units
Solos: Lieutenant Allison Jakes, Squire, Stormsmith solos, Trencher solos
Battle Engines: Storm Strider
Tier 1
Requirements: The army can include only the models listed above.
Benefit: For each Trencher unit in the army, increase the FA of Stormsmith Stormcallers by 1.
Tier 2
Requirements: The army includes one or more Trencher models/units and one or more warjacks with Advance Deployment .
Benefit: Trencher models/units in the army gain Pathfinder during the first round of the game.
Tier 3
Requirements: The army includes one or more Stormsmith weapon crews.
Benefit: Stormsmith weapon crews in the army gain Advance Deployment .
Tier 4
Requirements: The army includes Lieutenant Allison Jakes, and Sturgis’ battlegroup includes two or more light warjacks.
Benefit: Add one Grenadier or Firefly to Jakes’ battlegroup free of cost.
Sturgis the Corrupted
Divided You Fall
Warjacks: Cryx non-character warjacks, Mercenary non-character warjacks*
Units: Mechanithralls, Necrosurgeon & Stitch Thralls, Mercenary units*
Solos: Skarlock Thrall, Mercenary solos*
Tier 1
Requirements: The army can include only the models listed above.
Benefit: Mechanithralls units are FA U.
Tier 2
Requirements: Sturgis’ battlegroup includes two or more bonejacks with Flight or Stealth .
Benefit: Add a Mercenary solo with a Point Cost of 4 or less to the army free of cost.
Tier 3
Requirements: The army includes three or more Mercenary solos.
Benefit: Place the models in Sturgis’ battlegroup after normal deployment. These models are placed at the same time as your models with Advance Deployment (if any). These models must be placed within your normal deployment zone.
Tier 4
Requirements: The army includes one or more Mercenary units and one or more Mechanithralls units.
Benefit: For each Mercenary unit in the army, one Cryx unit gains Advance Deployment .
* Note that the Mercenary units and solos must still work for Cryx, and the Mercenary warjacks must still be assigned to
Mercenary battlegroups or ’Jack Marshals. The Tier 1 requirements reduce the options normally available to a standard
faction army. When new options are added to a faction’s normal army construction rules in a theme force, they appear
as one of the Tier Benefits.
nq 55
Commander Dalin Sturgis
United We Stand
Warjacks: Cygnar non-character warjacks
Units: Rangers, Stormsmith units, Trencher units
Solos: Lieutenant Allison Jakes, Squire, Stormsmith solos, Trencher solos
Battle Engines: Storm Strider
Tier 1
Requirements: The army can include only the models listed above.
Benefit: For each Trencher unit in the army, increase the FA of Stormsmith Stormcallers by 1.
Tier 2
Requirements: The army includes one or more Trencher models/units and one or more warjacks with Advance Deployment .
Benefit: Trencher models/units in the army gain Pathfinder during the first round of the game.
Tier 3
Requirements: The army includes one or more Stormsmith weapon crews.
Benefit: Stormsmith weapon crews in the army gain Advance Deployment .
Tier 4
Requirements: The army includes Lieutenant Allison Jakes, and Sturgis’ battlegroup includes two or more light warjacks.
Benefit: Add one Grenadier or Firefly to Jakes’ battlegroup free of cost.
Sturgis the Corrupted
Divided You Fall
Warjacks: Cryx non-character warjacks, Mercenary non-character warjacks*
Units: Mechanithralls, Necrosurgeon & Stitch Thralls, Mercenary units*
Solos: Skarlock Thrall, Mercenary solos*
Tier 1
Requirements: The army can include only the models listed above.
Benefit: Mechanithralls units are FA U.
Tier 2
Requirements: Sturgis’ battlegroup includes two or more bonejacks with Flight or Stealth .
Benefit: Add a Mercenary solo with a Point Cost of 4 or less to the army free of cost.
Tier 3
Requirements: The army includes three or more Mercenary solos.
Benefit: Place the models in Sturgis’ battlegroup after normal deployment. These models are placed at the same time as your models with Advance Deployment (if any). These models must be placed within your normal deployment zone.
Tier 4
Requirements: The army includes one or more Mercenary units and one or more Mechanithralls units.
Benefit: For each Mercenary unit in the army, one Cryx unit gains Advance Deployment .
* Note that the Mercenary units and solos must still work for Cryx, and the Mercenary warjacks must still be assigned to
Mercenary battlegroups or ’Jack Marshals. The Tier 1 requirements reduce the options normally available to a standard
faction army. When new options are added to a faction’s normal army construction rules in a theme force, they appear
as one of the Tier Benefits.